Cheap Used Chevrolet Cars for Sale
Mileage: 80,432 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Monmouth, IL
Dealer: Bruce Foote Chevrolet , Inc.
Mileage: 71,775 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | FWD
Location: Shafter, CA
Dealer: Richland Chevrolet Company
Mileage: 217,331 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Honaker, VA
Dealer: Modern Chevrolet Sales, Incorporated
Mileage: 110,364 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Manual | FWD
Location: Genoa, IL
Dealer: Alan Browne Chevrolet, Inc.
Mileage: 100,623 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Manistique, MI
Dealer: Team Chevrolet Automotive
Mileage: 194,443 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | RWD
Location: Arcanum, OH
Dealer: Troutwine Auto Sales, Inc.
Mileage: 58,783 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Monmouth, IL
Dealer: Bruce Foote Chevrolet , Inc.
Mileage: 142,410 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Belmont, NC
Dealer: Keith Hawthorne Automotive
Mileage: 186,837 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Gibsonburg, OH
Dealer: Keller Chevrolet, Inc.
Mileage: 118,695 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Rutledge, TN
Dealer: Edde Chevrolet Company, Inc.
Mileage: 219,776 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Corrigan, TX
Dealer: Clifton Chevrolet, Inc.
Mileage: 140,219 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Delavan, IL
Dealer: Roland Rich Ford, Inc.
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What is the average price for cheap used Chevrolet and how many are for sale?
Available14,365A total of 14,365 cars for sale are available.
Average$13,467$13,467 is the average price.
Сheapest$1,495The price is starting from as low as $1,495.
Most Expensive$20,000The most expensive cars cost up to $20,000.