Cheap Used Ford Cars for Sale
Mileage: 142,320 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | RWD
Location: Frazer, PA
Dealer: Gordon Motor Cars
Mileage: 128,937 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Hilliard, OH
Dealer: St. Mary Auto Sales
Mileage: 136,154 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Ayden, NC
Dealer: Doug Henry Ford Of Ayden
Mileage: 120,676 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Nashville, TN
Dealer: Mid - Tenn Ford Truck Sales
Mileage: 123,446 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Dale, IN
Dealer: Sternberg Ford
Mileage: 105,798 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Dale, IN
Dealer: Sternberg Ford
Mileage: 132,230 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Burlington, VT
Dealer: Roimotors Auto Group
Mileage: 102,422 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Manual | FWD
Location: Wooster, OH
Dealer: Mazda Of Wooster
Mileage: 40,884 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Bay Shore, NY
Dealer: Newins Bay Shore Ford Inc
Mileage: 172,710 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Forsyth, MT
Dealer: Heberle Ford
Mileage: 209,624 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Highmore, SD
Dealer: Jan Busse Ford
Mileage: 98,888 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Charleroi, PA
Dealer: Davies Ford Of Charleroi
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What is the average price for cheap used Ford and how many are for sale?
Available12,899A total of 12,899 cars for sale are available.
Average$12,950$12,950 is the average price.
Сheapest$1,395The price is starting from as low as $1,395.
Most Expensive$20,000The most expensive cars cost up to $20,000.