Cheap Used Cars for Sale Under $20,000

89,189 cars found
Used 2017
$16,799 $293/mo
Mileage: 32,477 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Parker, CO
Dealer: Audi Parker(
Used 2012
$11,991 $209/mo
Mileage: 138,994 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Manual | AWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2013
$11,690 $204/mo
Mileage: 80,128 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2012
$11,210 $195/mo
Mileage: 111,795 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2009
$11,040 $192/mo
Mileage: 96,186 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2015
$9,690 $169/mo
Mileage: 92,642 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2011
$9,290 $162/mo
Mileage: 164,208 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2013
$9,100 $159/mo
Mileage: 134,572 mi
Specifications: Hybrid | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2009
$8,690 $151/mo
Mileage: 227,248 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2009
$8,420 $147/mo
Mileage: 171,555 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2009
$7,290 $127/mo
Mileage: 188,628 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Manual | AWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru
Used 2007
$7,180 $125/mo
Mileage: 131,291 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Englewood, CO
Dealer: Groove Subaru

What is the average price for cheap used cars under $20,000 and how many are for sale?

  • Available
    A total of 89,189 cars for sale are available.
  • Average
    $13,479 is the average price.
  • Сheapest
    The price is starting from as low as $1,200.
  • Most Expensive
    The most expensive cars cost up to $20,000.