Cheap Used Cars for Sale Under $20,000
Mileage: 137,457 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Grinnell, IA
Dealer: Steve Link Ford
Mileage: 26,600 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Bristow, OK
Dealer: Crown Auto World Bristow
Mileage: 121,335 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Bristow, OK
Dealer: Crown Auto World Bristow
Mileage: 122,459 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Jasper, IN
Dealer: Sternberg Chrysler Center Inc
Mileage: 50,193 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Mauston, WI
Dealer: Kudick Chevrolet
Mileage: 53,895 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Altavista, VA
Dealer: Highview Motors, Inc.
Mileage: 62,143 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Pasadena, MD
Dealer: Rich Morton Mazda
Mileage: 103,737 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Lodi, NJ
Dealer: Condemi Motor Company
Mileage: 110,177 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Lodi, NJ
Dealer: Condemi Motor Company
Mileage: 155,705 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Gibsonburg, OH
Dealer: Keller Chevrolet, Inc.
Mileage: 11,055 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Parker, AZ
Dealer: Parker Motor
Mileage: 124,331 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Hilliard, OH
Dealer: St. Mary Auto Sales
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Cars Under $20,000
What is the average price for cheap used cars under $20,000 and how many are for sale?
Available92,005A total of 92,005 cars for sale are available.
Average$13,276$13,276 is the average price.
Сheapest$1,200The price is starting from as low as $1,200.
Most Expensive$20,000The most expensive cars cost up to $20,000.