Cheap Used Cars for Sale Under $9,000
Mileage: 75,626 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Charleston, SC
Dealer: Stokes Mazda
Mileage: 216,108 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Durand, IL
Dealer: Bryden Ford, Inc.
Mileage: 147,152 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: La Grande, OR
Dealer: Legacy Ford
Mileage: 229,000 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 172,000 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 150,000 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 165,000 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | AWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 214,000 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | FWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 254,000 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 176,000 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Pierre, SD
Dealer: Grey Goose Motors
Mileage: 250,396 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Aberdeen, SD
Dealer: Aberdeen Auto Center, Inc
Mileage: 86,964 mi
Specifications: Gasoline | Automatic | FWD
Location: Lewisville, TX
Dealer: Ej Motors
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Cars Under $9,000
What is the average price for cheap used cars under $9,000 and how many are for sale?
Available19,886A total of 19,886 cars for sale are available.
Average$7,042$7,042 is the average price.
Сheapest$1,295The price is starting from as low as $1,295.
Most Expensive$9,000The most expensive cars cost up to $9,000.