Cheap Used Cars for Sale in Kansas State

1,070 cars found
Used 2005
$10,800 $188/mo.
Mileage: 371,659 mi
Specifications: Diesel | Automatic | RWD
Location: Independence, KS
Dealer: Quality Motors Of Independence, Inc.
Used 2015
$19,220 $335/mo.
Mileage: 187,074 mi
Specifications: Flex | Automatic | AWD
Location: Harper, KS
Dealer: Newberry Family Auto

What is the average price for cheap used cars in Kansas and how many are for sale?

  • Available
    A total of 1,070 cars for sale are available.
  • Average
    $13,441 is the average price.
  • Сheapest
    The price is starting from as low as $3,310.
  • Most Expensive
    The most expensive cars cost up to $20,000.